JG,SC,MM - Genocide in Bosnia
During the civil war between Bosniaks, Serbians and the Croatians, there was a large ongoing genocide of the Serbians against the Muslims. This occurred because the Serbians were very nationalist and wanted to make a one ethically pure country of just Serbians.  Around 1992 Bosnia wanted to separate from Yugoslavia. Unfortunately a large portion of the population was ethically Serbian and wanted to stay with Yugoslavia. The Serbians were going to kill anyone who would get in their way of creating one Serbian country. This then caused the civil war and soon gave birth to the genocide.  

Sommaire en Français:
Durant la guerre civile entre les bosniaques, les serbes et les croates, les serbes tuaient les musulmans en genocide. Ceci se passait parce-que les serbes etaient très nationalistes et voulait avoir un pays ethniquement pure, avec seulement des serbes. Quand la Bosnie a asseyee de se separer du Yugoslavie, les serbes vivant en Bosnie ont resistes. Ils etaient pret a tuer n'importe qui qui allaient les arreter, ce qui a tres vite cause la genocide et la guerre civile.